Authentication strategies

In addition to the default authentication with password and email, there are different authentication strategies that can be enabled for sites.

LDAP strategy

This strategy is used to authenticate users using a set of configurable LDAP providers.

The LDAP providers can be configured in other configuration variables of site under ldap
key. The configuration has a ldap_username, a ldap_password and a variable list of
configurations including:

  • The host, port and domain of a LDAP service
  • authentication_query. This string be used to authenticate the user in the LDAP service.
    The data introduced as user identifier (usually an email) will be interpolated in the
    query replacing the @screen_name@ part.
  • password_field: The attribute used to store the password in LDAP
  • email_field and name_field. The attributes of LDAP used to create a new user in case
    it does not exist in Gobierto.

This is an example of LDAP configuration in other configuration variables of site:

  ldap_username: uid=aa729,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
  ldap_password: smada
      port: 3897
      domain: dc=example,dc=org
      authentication_query: mail=@screen_name@,dc=example,dc=org
      password_field: userPassword
      email_field: mail
      name_field: cn

If a user enters authentication data the strategy goes through the services until a service
can validate the user. Then the strategy gets the email and user name from the service and
uses them to find or create the Gobierto user. This strategy mantains the default gobierto
authentication strategy, with email and password, so if a user is not found in LDAP have
access with a valid email and password combination. To prevent this the password mechanism
can be disabled on the strategy configuration (see below)


To make available from site configuration admin part, add to auth_modules in

      name: ldap_strategy
      description: LDAP strategy
      session_form: LdapSessionForm
      password_enabled: true
      domains: ['site1.gobierto.test', 'site2.gobierto.test']
      default: false
      admin: true

The password_enabled option as false disables the password feature from settings pages.

The domains variable contains the list of sites for which the strategy will be available.
The site must have the domain included in the list. If this option is ignored or blank, the
strategy will be available for all sites.

The admin options is used to provide the strategy for admins authentication.


session_form makes use of a class defined in forms/user, LdapStrategy. In environments
other than development, to ensure that all required classes are available, the files must be
required on eager load. Add them in lib/ldap_strategy.rb. Otherwise the appication will fail
on production and staging:

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'active_support'

class LdapStrategy
  extend ActiveSupport::Autoload

  def self.eager_load!
    require_relative '../app/forms/user/ldap_session_form'