Gobierto templating engine

We use Liquid to allow for the customization of templates through the UI, and providing some tags to make dynamic calls to the application from the Liquid templates. This is a work in progress, we'll be implementing more tags and the possibility of editing a template through the admin UI.




Renders the path of an image


Renders i18n key translation

  • Usage {{ 'gobierto_participation.shared.no_events' | t }}

  • Returns: "No related events"


In the context of a CMS section, it renders the children pages of the given page.

  • Arguments:

    • page-slug: the slug of the page whose children will be shown
    • levels: the number of levels that will be rendered. Default: 1 (first level)
  • Usage: {% list_children_pages page-slug | levels: 1 %}

  • Returns:

<div class="page_children">
  <div class="page_child">
    <a href="http://madrid.gobierto.test/s/participacion/sobre">Sobre Nosotros</a>
    <div class="page_children">
      <div class="page_child">
        <a href="http://madrid.gobierto.test/s/participacion/segundo-nivel">Segundo nivel</a>
        <div class="page_children">
          <div class="page_child">
            <a href="http://madrid.gobierto.test/s/participacion/tercer-nivel">Tercer nivel</a>


It renders the items of a collection.

  • Arguments:

    • collection_slug: the slug of the collection
    • date: include the date of the page. Default: true
    • intro_text: include the page intro text. Default: true
    • limit: number of items. Default: 4
    • order: order of items. Values: ASC or DESC. Default: DESC.
  • Usage: {% list_items_from collection_slug | date: true, intro_text: true, limit: 4, order: DESC %}

  • Returns:

<div class="list_items_from_collection">
  <%= link_to 'collection_item' do %>
    <div class="collection_item">
      <img src="http://pam.esplugues.cat/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Gener15-10885-420x237.jpeg">
      <span class="date">26 feb 16</span>
      <h2>Esplugues aprova el Pla d’Actuació Municipal amb un ampli consens</h2>
      <p class="description">Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. </p>
  <% end %>

  <%= link_to 'collection_item' do %>
    <div class="collection_item">
      <img src="http://pam.esplugues.cat/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IMG_0505-420x237.jpeg">
      <span class="date">26 feb 16</span>
      <h2>Bon govern i transpàrencia, principal demanda de la ciutadania al procés participatiu del Pla d’Actuació Municipal 2016-2019</h2>
      <p class="description">Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. </p>
  <% end %>

  <%= link_to 'collection_item' do %>
    <div class="collection_item">
      <img src="http://pam.esplugues.cat/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/image2.jpg">
      <span class="date">26 feb 16</span>
      <h2>Finalitza el període d’aportacions ciutadanes al Pla d’Actuació Municipal 2016-2019</h2>
      <p class="description">Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. </p>
  <% end %>

  <%= link_to 'collection_item' do %>
    <div class="collection_item">
      <img src="http://pam.esplugues.cat/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/image1.jpg">
      <span class="date">26 feb 16</span>
      <h2>Continua obert el període d’aportacions ciutadanes al Pla d’Actuació Municipal 2016-2019, que s’obre al personal de l’Ajuntament</h2>
      <p class="description">Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. Intro text if configured. </p>
  <% end %>


Renders the title of a page (an instance ofGobiertoCms::Page)

  • Arguments:

    • slug: the slug of the page
  • Usage: {% page_title about %}

  • Returns: "About page"


Renders the path of a page (an instance ofGobiertoCms::Page)

  • Arguments:

    • slug: the slug of the page
  • Usage: {% page_url about %}

  • Returns: "/paginas/about"


Renders a poll

  • Usage {% show_poll(poll_id: 62047248) %} or {% show_poll() %}

  • Returns: Poll with options


Returns the current user locale

  • Usage {% i18n_locale %}

  • Returns: The current locale


Returns the css classes necessary for the body to render successfully the page

  • Usage <body class="{% body_css_classes %}" ...>

  • Returns: CSS classes separated by spaces



Allows for the customization of Gobierto Participation home page


Allows for the customization of Gobierto Participation main submenu navigation



Application layout