Gobierto Vocabularies / Vocabulary management

Create vocabulary

POST /api/v1/vocabularies

Allows the creation of a new vocabulary. The request must include a valid token of an authorized admin.


  • Authorization: Bearer TOKEN A valid token of an admin with permissions to create terms must be provided


I'ts expected to be in JSON format with the following structure:

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            // ...


name_translationsYESA JSON with the different locales and the names on each locale. Available locales are es, en and ca
slugYESThe element that identifies the vocabulary in the URL. Can be used as external identifier because is unique
termsNOAn array with the terms of the vocabulary. The array can include the whole list of terms or a part, and new terms can be added later.
terms.name_translationsYESa JSON with the different locales and the names on each locale. Available locales are es, en and ca
terms.description_translationsNOa JSON with the different locales and the names on each locale. Available locales are es, en and ca
terms.slugNOa string that identifies the vocabulary and is used in the URL of the vocabulary. The value must be unique.
terms.levelNOstarts at zero. The level of the term. This value is calculated automatically depending on parent terms
terms.positionNOby default is zero. Sets the position of the term at that level.
terms.external_idNOthe identifier of the term in the external system. This attribute must be unique, as it will be used for unique identification.
terms.parent_idNOcan be null or the internal identifier id or the external_id of the parent term.

Example body request:

    "data": {
        "type": "gobierto_common-vocabularies",
        "attributes": {
            "name_translations": {
                "en": "New vocabulary",
                "es": "Nuevo vocabulario"
            "slug": "url-slug",
            "terms": [
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1"
                    "description_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1 desc",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1 desc"
                    "slug": "term-slug",
                    "position": 0,
                    "level": 0,
                    "parent_id": null,
                    "external_id": "E0001"
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1.1",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1"
                    "description_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1.1 desc",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1 desc"
                    "slug": "term-slug-11",
                    "position": 0,
                    "level": 1,
                    "parent_id": "E0001",
                    "external_id": "E0001.1"


  • If the token is invalid or the admin is not allowed to create term: JSON with Unauthorized or Module not allowed with status 401 Unauthorized
  • If the resource could be created or already existing: JSON with id and name translations of term
    Response schema:
    "data": {
        "id": "328",
        "type": "gobierto_common-vocabularies",
        "attributes": {
            "name_translations": {
                "en": "New vocabulary",
                "es": "Nuevo vocabulario"
            "slug": "url-slug",
            "terms": [
                    "id": 21547,
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1.1",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1"
                    "description_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1.1 desc",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1 desc"
                    "slug": "term-slug-11",
                    "position": 0,
                    "level": 1,
                    "term_id": 21546,
                    "parent_external_id": "E0001",
                    "parent_id": "E0001",
                    "external_id": "E0001.1"
                    "id": 21546,
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1"
                    "description_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1 desc",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1 desc"
                    "slug": "term-slug",
                    "position": 0,
                    "level": 0,
                    "term_id": null,
                    "parent_external_id": null,
                    "parent_id": null,
                    "external_id": "E0001"

List vocabularies

GET /api/v1/vocabularies

List the existing vocabularies. The request must include a valid token of an authorized admin.


  • Authorization: Bearer TOKEN A valid token of an admin with permissions to create terms must be provided

Example of response:

    "data": [
            "id": "328",
            "type": "gobierto_common-vocabularies",
            "attributes": {
                "name_translations": {
                    "en": "New vocabulary",
                    "es": "Nuevo vocabulario"
                "slug": "url-slug",
                "terms": [
                        "id": 21547,
                        "name_translations": {
                            "en": "New term 1.1",
                            "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1"
                        "description_translations": {
                            "en": "New term 1.1 desc",
                            "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1 desc"
                        "slug": "term-slug-11",
                        "position": 0,
                        "level": 1,
                        "term_id": 21546,
                        "parent_external_id": "E0001",
                        "parent_id": "E0001",
                        "external_id": "E0001.1"
                        "id": 21546,
                        "name_translations": {
                            "en": "New term 1",
                            "es": "Nuevo termino 1"
                        "description_translations": {
                            "en": "New term 1 desc",
                            "es": "Nuevo termino 1 desc"
                        "slug": "term-slug",
                        "position": 0,
                        "level": 0,
                        "term_id": null,
                        "parent_external_id": null,
                        "parent_id": null,
                        "external_id": "E0001"
        //{ ... },

Get a single vocabulary

GET /api/v1/vocabularies/

Gets a single vocabulary. The request must include a valid token of an authorized admin.

The vocabulary identifier of the URL can be both:

  • the vocabulary internal id
  • the vocabulary slug if exists


  • Authorization: Bearer TOKEN A valid token of an admin with permissions to create terms must be provided

Example of response:

    "data": {
        "id": "328",
        "type": "gobierto_common-vocabularies",
        "attributes": {
            "name_translations": {
                "en": "New vocabulary",
                "es": "Nuevo vocabulario"
            "slug": "url-slug",
            "terms": [
                    "id": 21547,
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1.1",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1"
                    "description_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1.1 desc",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1 desc"
                    "slug": "term-slug-11",
                    "position": 0,
                    "level": 1,
                    "term_id": 21546,
                    "parent_external_id": "E0001",
                    "parent_id": "E0001",
                    "external_id": "E0001.1"
                    "id": 21546,
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1"
                    "description_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1 desc",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1 desc"
                    "slug": "term-slug",
                    "position": 0,
                    "level": 0,
                    "term_id": null,
                    "parent_external_id": null,
                    "parent_id": null,
                    "external_id": "E0001"

Update a vocabulary

PUT /api/v1/vocabularies/

Updates an existing vocabulary. The request must include a valid token of an authorized admin.

The vocabulary identifier of the URL can be both:

  • the vocabulary internal id
  • the vocabulary slug if exists

The body of the request should include only the attributes that needs to be updated. Any attribute in the body will be updated.

If the terms are included in the request, they will be updated also, following these rules:

  • if the term has a slug or external_id will search for existing terms to update it
  • if it doesn't exist, the term will be created

For deleting existing terms in the vocabulary, refer to the term delete endpoint.


  • Authorization: Bearer TOKEN A valid token of an admin with permissions to create terms must be provided

Example of updating a vocabulary:

  • updates the vocabulary english name
  • creates a new term New term 2
  • updates the existing term E0001.1 with a new name
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "name_translations": {
                "en": "New vocabulary name"
            "terms": [
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 2",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 2"
                    "slug": "term-slug-2",
                    "position": 1,
                    "level": 0,
                    "parent_id": null,
                    "external_id": "E00002"
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1.1 updated",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1 updated"
                    "external_id": "E0001.1"

Example of response:

    "data": {
        "id": "328",
        "type": "gobierto_common-vocabularies",
        "attributes": {
            "name_translations": {
                "en": "New vocabulary name",
                "es": "Nuevo vocabulario"
            "slug": "url-slug",
            "terms": [
                    "id": 21547,
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1.1 updated",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1 updated"
                    "description_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1.1 desc",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1.1 desc"
                    "slug": "term-slug-11",
                    "position": 0,
                    "level": 1,
                    "term_id": 21546,
                    "parent_external_id": "E0001",
                    "parent_id": "E0001",
                    "external_id": "E0001.1"
                    "id": 21546,
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1"
                    "description_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 1 desc",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 1 desc"
                    "slug": "term-slug",
                    "position": 0,
                    "level": 0,
                    "term_id": null,
                    "parent_external_id": null,
                    "parent_id": null,
                    "external_id": "E0001"
                    "id": 21548,
                    "name_translations": {
                        "en": "New term 2",
                        "es": "Nuevo termino 2"
                    "description_translations": null,
                    "slug": "term-slug-2",
                    "position": 1,
                    "level": 0,
                    "term_id": null,
                    "parent_external_id": null,
                    "parent_id": null,
                    "external_id": "E00002"